Here it is, 6:23 a.m., when His Highness, so tired from trying to stay up late the night before, wanders down to see if there is any Christmas loot for him under the tree.

Of course there is. I had a couple under there, too, from the girls at work and Ian's grandparents.

He got doo-dads in his stocking with new socks for his stinky little boy feet. :D

And reading material, among other things. He has expressed great interest in the presidential election this year, so I chose a kid's book for him about our next President (which he read before the morning was over).

Like a lot of other people I know, I reuse gift bags. See the bag leaning against the couch that looks like an envelope? Mike sent Ian a book in that bag for Christmas about 4 or 5 years ago! :D
For Christmas dinner, we went to my friend Hope's home for prime rib, mashed potatos and broccoli with cheese sauce, compliments of her employer. Due to the financial problems we have all incurred this year, we decided not to exchange gifts among the adults. The afternoon was about family and friends catching up, laughing and joking, and a wonderful time was had by all.
Later that evening, we stopped by my friend Nancy's home for ham, scalloped potatos and carrots. Ian got to play with his buddy Robert for a while, and I sat and caught up with Dave, Nancy and Amy. Life is good!
JT said...
What 'bout Hobbes? :)
Serena said...
He's got them all! :D