Monday, October 15, 2012

A New Car!

Ian made this model. He did tell me the name of the car, but for some reason, my eyes glazed over and I didn't catch it. I hear 'car' and think, 'four wheels, needs fuel, oxygen and spark'. That last part is my brother's fault. :D

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Note to Self:

Do Not EVER eat a pasta dish without first asking that all important question:

"Does this dish contain any mushrooms?"


Thursday, October 11, 2012

A date. Ish.

I had coffee with a total stranger and enjoyed myself. There's a bit of a story here...

I recently spent some quality time with an old friend and realized how much I really miss having someone around to talk to. I love my son, don't get me wrong, but, well, he's 11. And I don't meet quality people. Let's face it. The only people I meet are people who need lawyers. 

Next is the fact that I don't have a whole bunch of free time. I work full-time, I have The Boy Child, and I am actively pursuing a Masters degree. 

But I'm still missing something. Companionship. Conversation. Warmth. 

So I went on a dating site. I was pretty shocked at how many guys take their own pictures in the bathroom. Think about the background, gentlemen! I am not impressed with the log in the bowl behind you!  I was also surprised at how many are missing teeth. 

I didn't post a picture because I figured I don't want someone to meet me (or not meet me) based on how I look. I had a few responses that really surprised me. Like, what part of 'woman' seeking a 'man' is so hard to understand? And what the heck would I do with something 11 1/2" long? Yikes!

So a guy named Tom sends me his picture, strikes up a real conversation, makes sure tats don't scare me, and I agreed to coffee. Coffee is good. Tim Horton's is public. Ian gave me an hour. And I let my neighbor know where I was going and when I'd be back so if he turned out to be an ax murderer, she could call in the cavalry!

Hey. There's a lot of crazy people out there.

Anyway, we'll see what happens. It was fun talking to a grown-up that isn't related to me. 


An update on 10/12/12:

Tom and I exchanged phone numbers because texting is so much easier than being on that site, and he asks if he can send me a picture. Sure, why not?  

This being a G-rated blog, I cannot tell you what he sent me. My faith in humanity has taken another hit. Are there any 'normal' people out there? 

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Ian 'sniped' me!

Doing some homework... I should probably turn on some lights. 
I look pretty scary. :D

I think the funniest thing about this is that I have to move my glasses half-way down my face to read. Word to the wise...don't buy glasses at Walmart. :)