Friday, December 23, 2016

I love these kids!

For the holiday, I assembled treat bags for the kids with little things Melissa and I bought for them. We gave them a jingle bell, a candy cane, a pencil with two little erasers, a sticky hand, and a coloring book. We decided that, because of the low attendance today, we would show them a movie and give math a break.

7A, my SPED class, was the one I thought would be the most crazy. Instead, they opened their treat bags quietly, ate their candy canes, and enjoyed Beethoven's Christmas Adventure. They even said thank you as they were leaving the classroom!

7B, my gifted group, was the one I thought would be the quietest. Wrong again. The sticky hands were almost immediately flying in all directions as they tried to pull other student's belongings away from them, tried to stick them on the ceiling, tried to stick them in each other's hair... The Santa Clause was just background noise for happy shenanigans. I thought they were a riot, but Melissa was not amused. Probably a good thing...they would have been out of control all period, and I'd have been right along with them. :D

7C, my English language learners, was the group I was unsure of. A high percentage of the group follows the path of Islam, so I had a back-up coloring sheet in case they had religious objection to a Christmas movie and gift. I need not have worried. Some seemed to get the biggest kick out of the candy canes, eating it from both ends. As a whole, they initially preferred coloring in the little holiday coloring books in their treat bags to watching the movie , but then quickly realized they could grab each other's coloring books with the sticky hands. I probably shouldn't have let them get away with it, but hey, it's the last day of school before break, and I'm tired. :D

It's funny how this job is working out for me. I don't think I've ever worked so hard or for so many hours, but I feel like I'm making a difference. It's fulfilling, enjoyable, and worth every minute.

I have finally found my purpose.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

For my ENL (ESL or ELL) students

I have quite a few students who are learning English as a second (or fifth) language. While the signs in math are similar or the same, they struggle with the words.

As a basic cheat sheet, I made 3 x 3 cards out of construction paper:

I then laminated them ... :

and then hole-punched a corner and put in a binder ring so they can keep them in their math notebooks:

I hope this helps them! One of my students has only been in this country for about 4 months, so now he is not only learning a new language in a new culture, he is learning math in a new language in a new culture. I can't imagine how difficult this must be.

Friday, September 02, 2016

I Got the Job!

Say hello to the new 7th grade Math teacher for the Buffalo Academy of Science! I am so excited and scared and nervous and excited...

I am about to begin a big adventure, a new chapter in the story of my life. It's going to be interesting, fun, frustrating, challenging, and much different from the typical day I am used to. I am looking forward to it.

And I am determined to be the best darn math teacher I can be.

Thursday, June 09, 2016

Einstein Quote

"Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction." 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

I am amazing.

One of the good things that has come out of Ian's poor choices is that I've gotten back into counseling to help myself.

I truly am amazing.

That doesn't come from a king-of-the-mountain standpoint. It's taken me time to get here. I've come to the realization that I have endured many traumas and hardships, and they have made me stronger. Even though I came close a few times, I didn't cave, resign, or flat-out quit.

I learned. I grew courage and resilience.

I've made a safe place for myself and made decisions to improve myself and my life. All of this I've done with a background and childhood that were less than desirable. I have people that love me and support me, even when they disagree with me.

I deserve healthy relationships. I deserve safety and security. I deserve the better life I am creating for myself. I'm not perfect, but I am me. I am authentic and real.

I am finally getting to a place where I not only know these things intellectually, but believe them emotionally.

Steven told me a few months ago that I'm 'one tough bunny', and it made me uncomfortable, because I didn't feel so tough. I think, though, that toughness is in doing the right thing, standing up for myself, and allowing myself to feel.

I'm going to be okay. Us amazing beings don't wither.

Friday, April 08, 2016

Nicole and Steve's Wedding

The first time we went to an occasion and weren't "Mr and Mrs Tabor" or "Mr and Mrs Burton".

Steven is so good at formal occasions. I never know what to do or where to go.  We actually danced together first time ever, and probably the last time ever. It is official - I cannot dance.

Sunday, March 20, 2016


The family resemblance always takes me by surprise

Monday, March 14, 2016

For My Seester

My sister asked if I would make her an afghan, something light for spring, maybe with flowers? I've started it:

Thursday, March 10, 2016


I was doing a little Amazon surfing and ran across 'mood' nail polish. As the temperature of your hands cools or warms, the color of the nail polish changes. I checked with Sue to see if she thought it would work, and although it is not a brand she had heard of, if I bought it, we'd try it.

Well, it works a treat! The brand is DIY Hard Polish, and the color is 'pink galaxy'. When my hands are cold, the polish is very dark, but as my hands warm up, it turns to hot pink. Very Cool!!!

Saturday, March 05, 2016

My Little Cousin in Color Guard

So proud of my little cousin! She has come so far in just two short years, 
and watching her it is obvious she loves what she does.

Thursday, March 03, 2016

There's a Bathroom on the Right

I do know how to screw up lyrics. This song came on the  radio today, and I had to laugh. 
I remember wondering...
Why are they singing about the bathroom on the right? 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

How do they KNOW?

Look! An unsolicited comment about my cooking!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Baby, It's COLD outside!

So hard to imaging Pitchers and Catchers reporting when the weather is this cold!

Friday, February 12, 2016


Hanging on the board when I came back from lunch

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

I don't like guns. Just sayin'.

I think it is important to be educated. My brother, in his infinite wisdom, suggested I look into classes for Ian to keep him busy, but I thought, hey, why not classes for me? 

I signed up for the Village of Kenmore Citizen Police Academy. For eleven weeks, I, with 12 other people, will learn about various aspects of the Kenmore Police Officer's duties and their service in the community. 

Last week, the detective in charge of the Juvenile Division gave a presentation. He brought in a couple boxes of paraphernalia the police have taken off of kids in the Village. I kid you not, I didn't know what better than half of the items even were. 

This week was our week for the gun range. We learned about gun safety, and then we were set up with short video scenarios where we, while using guns loaded with five paint bullets, had to decide to shoot or not shoot. I took three shots and told the police officer I was done. He looked surprised, then he laughed, and he took the gun away. 

Then came the real gun with the real bullets. Much louder, and much more nerve-wracking. Everyone was given five bullets to shoot at a paper target. I shot the gun once, gave it back to the police officer, told him I was done. "I don't like this. I really don't like this." He laughed again and said it's not for everybody. 

That was an understatement. I hated every minute of it. Hated. Every. Minute. The noise, the power, the recoil, and the thought of the immense, grave responsibility that comes with pulling that trigger. And did I mention the noise? I don't want it. Any of it. 

Wearing mandatory safety glasses and ear protection.

Do I 'hate' guns? No. I see and understand the need, and I am thankful there are people who serve that are not frightened by them, who think fast enough to be able to use one properly, and who keep me free and safe. 

I just know I should not own one, at least not now. I do not know enough, and I may never know enough, to be able to own one safely and without fear. I know that is not the kind of power that, in this moment in time, I feel I ever want to have. I also know that someday I may change my mind and decide to get more training and more education on gun use and safety. Not now, though. Not now.

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Superbowl 50

Superbowl 50 is in the books. 

Carolina Panthers     10
Denver Broncos        24

Yes, I was rooting for the old guy.
Congratulations, Peyton Manning and the Broncos Nation! 

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Superbowl Prediction



Who do you think will win the Superbowl?

Well, he says, in that introspective way men have when they discuss matters of great importance, Carolina is the 6 point favorite.

Oh! So Denver is going to win!

(Laughing) Yep. Can't help but root for the old guy.

Friday, February 05, 2016

He makes me Laugh

Steven sent me a series of texts, a story of intrigue and suspense.

Stealthily he moves through the woods...

Fear grips his heart as a twig snaps...

He freezes, his heart racing...


He breathes a sigh of relief...

His companion looks at him questioningly

He whispers...


"Here there be Bunnies!" 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Enabling Behavior

Alcoholism and addition are family diseases; they affect not only the user, but his family as well.  As part of Ian's recovery program, twice a month I have a joint counseling session with Ian and his counselor, Shannon. We had our second session this week. The purpose, in the long run, is to recognize and change our behaviors that may have resulted in Ian being able to use and abuse substances.

One of the behaviors she mentioned is "enabling". Our conversation was moving at a rapid pace, and I did not stop her to ask for specifics. I decided to do some internet research and, as luck would have it, my brother called me. 

I told Mike I don't really understand what Shannon meant by enabling. It has to be more than just having alcohol and prescription medication in my home. He pointed out something to me I had not thought of. In an effort to bring up my son differently than the way I was brought up, I can be very lenient. While I don't necessarily believe Ian always tells me the truth, I am very willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. When he came to me with those bloodshot eyes and told me they were red because he was tired, I should have asked a whole lot more questions. And been skeptical of the answers. 

The definition of 'enabling behaviors' is, in a nutshell, behaviors that enable an addict's ability to use.  For example, if I didn't let Ian suffer consequences for his actions, or if I always provided an 'out' instead of letting him clean up his own mess, I could have been enabling him. Neither of those applies to me, so I kept digging.

Psychology Today had an interesting blog post on the difference between empowering and enabling, and identifying enabling behavior. The article can be found here:

I have to admit I am a peacekeeper.  While I'm not 'fearful' that something I do or don't do may result in an adverse result, I will do everything in my power to try to keep everyone happy. While I don't assign blame to others for problems, I very often take blame on myself, whether or not I own it, ultimately to keep the peace. And I do consistently put the needs and wants of others over my own, also in an effort to keep peace. I think I learned these behaviors in childhood, they are such a part of who I am. 

As my Steven says, 'You're at a nine or a ten, Bunny. We need you to dial it back to ... about a six.' I am going to try to think before automatically trying to soothe. It's not going to be easy, and I might have to live with some conflict, but some conflict is necessary in life. If I can get control over the part of me that enables, both my son and I will be healthier for it.

Friday, January 29, 2016


I do love cheeseburgers. My absolute favorite can't be bought in a restaurant. Steven calls them his "fat boys", and they are amazing. Steven's secret burger recipe, American cheese, ketchup and mayo on a bun. Yuuummmm!

Hero Certified Burgers on Elmwood Avenue is really good. They have a different menu that includes ciabatta rolls and sweet potato fries. We need to go back there again. I forgot to put my shoes on before I left the house when we went there, so Hero has become known as the cheeseburger place where I wore my puppy slippers. No one noticed, but I had a severe case of the giggles.

Five Guys in the Target Plaza on Delaware Avenue is good, too, but I think they are a bit more expensive than Hero. Not only do I like their cheeseburgers, but their fries are great as well. They post on the wall where their potatoes are from each day. The only thing I don't like about Five Guys is that they're not big on turning up the heat. It's always so cold in there!

Let us not forget Red Robin Gourmet Burgers on Maple Road. They have all different burger varieties. My favorite is the Bleu Ribbon Burger, which is a burger with onion straws, lettuce, tomato, bleu cheese, and a spicy mayo.

I'm hungry!

Monday, January 04, 2016

Drugs, Alcohol, and Addiction: Good-bye, 2015. I will not miss you.

A lot has gone on with Ian since I last posted, most of it being somewhere between the Bad and the Ugly. This is the abridged version...we've had too many discussions and arguments to go into all of it here. 2015 did not end up being a good year for us.

During the summer of 2014, before his 14th birthday, Ian discovered marijuana. Some people like it, some don’t. Ian loved it, to the point of abusing it daily. I didn’t recognize the signs.It was going on right under my nose, and I didn't see it.

I came home one day, during that summer when he was too old for day care and too young for a job, and his eyes were so bloodshot it was unbelievable. I asked him, “What on earth is wrong with your eyes?!” to which he replied, “Oh, Momma, I’m just so tired.” “Go take a nap for heaven’s sake!”  

The number of times I’ve kicked myself since that day cannot be counted.

About a month later, we were in the car. He turned off the radio and said, “Mom, I’ve got to talk to you. I’ve been lying to you.” That began a dialogue describing his drug use. I got him into substance abuse counseling as soon as I could. He was tested weekly, and in June of 2015, he had been clean for three months. I was so proud of him. I thought we had put it behind us.

Unfortunately, while marijuana stays in the body for a while, alcohol doesn’t. He began drinking. And I was blissfully ignorant. Right under my nose, and I didn't see it.

I had been on wine tours and had about 2.5 cases of different bottles of wine in a cubby, out of sight. I never checked on it…where would it go? I went into my cubby to get a bottle of wine near the end of October, and I had 11 bottles there. I confronted him. What happened to my wine? He claimed he did not know. Perhaps one of the friends he had over had helped themselves. I took him to counseling that evening.

The next morning, I checked my cubby again. Ten bottles left. No one had been over, and we hadn’t gone anywhere. I flat out accused him of lying, and he continually denied it until I began to doubt myself. Finally, I laid down an ultimatum.

This is my home. MY home. You cannot do drugs and alcohol and live in MY home. If you continue to do drugs and alcohol, I will find somewhere else for you to live. Are we clear?


You will not live in this house. You will live somewhere else. You will NOT live in my home. Do you understand?


You will stop your substance use, ALL your substance use, or you will lose your home. Do you understand?

Yes, Momma. I understand.

One week later, I went into his bedroom to get my charger, which is never where I leave it. It was caught on something under his bed. I looked under his bed, and there were five empty wine bottles and three empty beer bottles. I went back to my cubby, which in retrospect I should have emptied right away, and there were only 9 bottles of wine left. At his substance abuse counseling appointment that evening, he tested positive for THC again.

I made calls and on November 29th, the day after Thanksgiving, I admitted him to the Renaissance Center, where he will be for at least six months.

I’m learning a lot, an education I neither expected nor wanted. I am receiving counseling as well, because I need to know what I need to change, both about myself and my home, so that I do not continue to enable his use. While I have attended Al-Anon meetings and have learned the three C's (I did not cause it; I cannot control it; I cannot cure it.) I know that I own a part of this. I have much to learn.