Today I took my final exam in Organizational Behavior. I get so nervous before the test that I am actually nauseous, and during the test I actually have trouble breathing. It's almost as though I am panicking about something. And after it is all over, and the computer kicks back my score, the nausea fades, and my breathing slowly returns to normal. I got a 96, which is really not bad.
Fortunately for me, there are no final exams for my Sociology or Consumer Finance classes. The final in Algebra I is tomorrow. Then that's it. I'll have lived through my first semester. Hopefully, as time goes on, the anxiety will fade. I've got a long way to go to get my Bachelors. I really don't need to be putting myself through this at the end of every semester.
Michael said...
>My father looked at it, looked at me, and said, "Where's the two points?"
I’ve thought a lot about this – I think he was curious or genuinely puzzled, not interrogative. Dad has always said, “Hey, nobody ever asks where you finished in your class.” (Which isn’t really true, but it illustrates his casual attitude.)
Dad is easygoing, but it was mom who was torquemada. Remember that it was she who continually wanted achievement so it would bring kudos to the religion.
Torquemada is dead, and dad just wants you to be happy. Take a deep breath, let a wave of relaxation flow over you. Life is good.
Serena said... I did ask Dad about this in later years. He was joking. Unfortunately, at that point in my life, I didn’t understand and took his comment to heart. It’s one of many things I make an effort to work on – overcoming my childhood.