My assignment this week (in English Comp) was to write a paragraph concerning a specific topic. On the list of choices was, “Barb is forgetful.” The twist was that I was not permitted to use the word “forgetful”, nor was I permitted to use another form of the word (“forgot”) or a synonym of the word. Here is what I came up with:
Barb begins each day with the search for her to-do list, carefully placed on the counter in plain sight beside the lunch she packed the night before, so she can walk out the door without either of them. She once left the house without first checking to make sure her clothes were in order, leaving for work without putting on her skirt. There are times she doesn’t know how she got to work. All is well that ends well, though, as she is always in the right place at the right time to pick up her son.
Michael said...
Sounds... autobiographical... :D
Serena said...
Durn tootin'.
Got all the way to work just to discover I didn't have my skirt on. One of life's more embarrassing moments. I can laugh now, but then? I wished the floor would have opened up and swallowed me whole.