I recently visited my primary care physician who ordered an EKG, a prescription for a diuretic, and recommended I change my eating habits. He pointed out that the foods I have been eating plenty of (especially apples and oranges, my breakfast staples) are loaded with sugar, which is the cause of my weight gain. He recommended trying a low-carb diet, like Atkins or something similar, and if I want to be around and healthy for my son’s graduation, I’d better do it NOW.
I gave this considerable thought. I need a plan to follow for a few weeks while I get used to adjusting my eating habits, and something flexible enough that I can add what I like and not eat what I don’t. And I won’t be able to stick with any eating plan that leaves me hungry. So I did a little homework and decided I could probably live with the ideas presented in the South Beach Diet.
The South Beach Diet goes in three stages: Phase 1 is the strictest where you cut out fruit, breads, pastas, and the like. Phase 2 lets you add back in some of the things you are missing, so occasionally having pizza or ice cream is completely allowed. Phase 3 is the maintenance program. Eat what you’ve learned your body can handle. Stay away from what it can’t. It is flexible to allow for eating in restaurants, and forgiving if you just MUST have that dish of ice cream.
I began the diet yesterday, and so far so good. The biggest thing I notice is that the eating plan calls for TOO MUCH FOOD! I cannot eat all that is allowed. I am not hungry, not irritable (yet), and do not yet feel deprived.
If you are curious, here is a link to the book.
Further bulletins as events warrant. :D