The concert was AMAZING. He started at 8:30 and they played until 10 to 11. Not a lot of chitchat - just song after song after song after song. I swear he did something off of every single one of his albums. Absolutely AMAZING. Worth every penny of the $100 ticket.
Here is one of my favorites off of the new album, Magic:
After the concert, I dumped Chris. Another story for another day.
Michael said...
>So many people in the same room who knew every single word to every single song... It was incredible.
Yeah - it is a really cool feeling to be in a large crowd all moving in the same direction.
One of my favorite memories is being at a Judas Priest concert, surrounded by all that testosterone rage roaring "HEY! HEY! HEY!" in unison, right on the cusp of exploding into violence... Whoa, wotta rush!
Serena said...
Yes! I'd never felt that before at a concert. It was incredible, just amazing...