Monday, May 26, 2008

Waving to Unko Myko

It was a cold, dreary day in Western New York when I decided my brother and I could liven things up a little by screwing with Calvin's head. :D

He was very excited to be 'chatting' with Unko Myko, so excited, in fact, that he forgot to put his jammie bottoms on. I opened a separate chat session and told my brother, hey, if you want to get a rise out of Calvin, ask him where his jammie bottoms are. Mike was off and running. "WHERE ARE YOUR JAMMIES?"

Poor Calvin was shocked to the core. "How does he Know?" So we told him. Unko Myko has a magic sattelite that keeps an eye on him.

Hook, line and sinker. And it doesn't end there!

Jeff was home last weekend, and he told Ian that Unko Myko had his sattelite on to make sure everything was okay and to keep an eye on things. And here he is, waving to Unko Myko. Who is in Seattle. With a magic sattelite.

Oh, the stories I'll have to tell his future girlfriends...