I am a horrible photographer! Not just because I can take lousy pictures, but because I walk around with camera in hand and forget to USE it!!!
That being said, here are all the pictures I took at Uncle Tone's memorial service. All six of 'em.

Great Uncle John Glokner (son of Esther King Morris Arenas Glokner) and Joe Jimenez (son of Renee Sousa Jimenez, daughter of Clarita Arenas Sousa, daughter of Esther King Morris Arenas Glokner.)

Debbie Gecik and her sister Brenda with Brenda's son. I was joking with my cousin Wayne that I would have all these pictures, would get home and say, now... who the heck are these people? I'm so sorry - I can't remember Brenda's son's name!
Debbie and Brenda are the daughters of Clara (Chippy) Arenas Gecik, daughter of Phillipe Arenas, son of Esther King Morris Arenas Glokner.
Here are Laura and her husband Tom. (Laura is the daughter of Eugenia Arenas Johnson, daughter of Phillipe Arenas, son of Esther King Morris Arenas Glokner.) I started to take the picture when Laura was smiling, but sometimes I have digital camera issues. She looks very much like her mother, Eugenia, who I corresponded with by "snail mail".

Here are Wayne and Barbara Laucius. (Wayne Laucius is the son of Mary Glokner Laucius, daughter of Esther King Morris Arenas Glokner.)

Here are Elizabeth and Victor "Uncle Doc" Sousa. Uncle Doc really is a doctor, but I don't know his medical specialty. (Victor is the son of Clarita Arenas Sousa, daughter of Esther King Morris Arenas Glokner.)

Here is Uncle Doc with Joe Jimenez's two daughters, Andrea and Christina. They were both studying hard for their APs this weekend, and I wish them both the best of luck!
And here is the one, the only, exhausted Miguel Ian, son of Serena Raquel, daughter of Anne Bosley, daughter of Raquel Arenas Bosley, daughter of Esther King Morris Arenas Glokner. :D