We walked into the laundromat, me carrying our three days' worth in a bag, and picked our washer. Behind me, a washer was overloaded, and the soap and fabric softener that the customer left unattended came crashing down, showering me in soap and Downy. I used the dirty clothes to clean myself up, and started our wash. A little while later, a woman came in, said, "Oh my Gosh is that my soap?!" What a mess.
It occurred to me, though, that in laundromats in cities everywhere, you will always see this woman. She looks overtired, incredibly sad, and sits on the porch step, resting her elbows on her knees, hanging her head, chain smoking cigarettes until the laundry is done. And it occurred to me that, not so long ago, I was that woman.
I don't know what changed me. Was it that I finally got a good job? Or was it the birth of my child? I'm not sure. I just know I feel a while lot better, lighter, and happier than I did ten to fifteen years ago. And I'm glad.
It's probably boy child's doing. :)