Thousands of men and women have died and continue to die for our Freedom, and although it is woefully inadequate, to them I say, Thank You. It has never made sense to me to say "Happy" Memorial Day. I am glad I have the freedom I have, but at the same time am horrified by the vast number of lives it has cost.
Today was the Memorial Day Parade, and not only did I remember my camera, I remembered to use it! (Ian was in the parade. That's probably why.) I got some wonderful pictures of a few young ones absolutely glued to the goings-on. This little one seemed to really enjoy the bands:
I believe this band was from the Charter School of Applied Technologies. Cool-looking uniforms, but I bet they were unbearably hot:
The Pipes:
Kenilworth Fire truck:
McGruff, the Crime Dog. (I bet he was in shorts in the car.) :D
Irish dancers:
I missed the name of this group, but I bet they were a tad bit warm, too!
Check out the baby buggy!
I got video of them showing how to get on them, which will follow in another post:
More Pipes:
The Ladies Auxillary:
A fire truck circa the time my Dad was born: