Me: So, how was your day?
Ian: Good. We went to Fort Niagara.
Yeah. They shot off the guns.
They do that a lot there.
Mommy, with all those people shooting off guns in ... you know ... in Ohio, no, not Ohio, not California, what's the name of that other place, you know, where the war is?
Yeah! Iraq! With all those people shooting off guns in Iraq, I bet you that's why Pluto is losing its status. The bullets are wrecking it and making holes and noise.
Er, I don't think the bullets can go that far, honey.
Why not?
Pluto is very, very far away. Farther than the moon.
Oh. Well then, why is Pluto losing its status?
Well, I think it's because most of the planets have actual mass, sort of like ground you can stomp on, but Pluto is pretty much just a ball of gas orbiting the sun.
Oh. Like a burp?
Um, well, I never really thought of it that way...
That's gross, Mom.
(followed by complete and utter silence in the car for a solid five minutes.)
Can we have pizza for dinner?
President said...
O MY GOD he's a scream!!!
6/28/2007 10:02 PM
President said...
Sorry.. "president" is one of my "OTHER" identities. This is the one, that after I was elected, inspired Jeff to say, "Oh god, we're all dead now."
6/28/2007 10:04 PM
Serena said...
ROTFLMAO! Your kid's a scream, too!!! Come to think of it, he may have been thinking of our favorite superhero duo, the President and the Almighty! Oh god. We're all dead now.
Serenity Note: One of the problems with answering Ian on the fly, and something that I can never, ever admit to him, is that I don't know everything. {heavy sigh!} I was completely wrong about Pluto. There are gas planets, which I had completely forgotten, and they are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. If you are interested, check out the site my brother found: Great stuff.
(updated June 29, 2007)