Ma and Ian were feeding the birds from the back of the Jamestown Ferry. People bring popcorn, stale bread, french fries, whatever they can get their hands on, toss it up in the air, and the seagulls swoop down and catch it in midair. I couldn't get a shot of it to save my life. There is a delay between when I push the button and when the camera takes the picture, and I don't have it timed right yet. (heavy sigh!)
Here is one of the other ferries heading in the opposite direction. The ferries are free, and some vehicles are thoroughly checked by Homeland Security before you can board. Sad, but true.
Michael said...
Point the camera in the direction you expect the action to take place, press the shutter release HALF WAY to allow the camera to focus and adjust the exposure...Then, when the action happens, you complete the shutter release. It will be much, much quicker, because the camera was ready and waiting.Trust me on this. :D
Point the camera in the direction you expect the action to take place, press the shutter release HALF WAY to allow the camera to focus and adjust the exposure...Then, when the action happens, you complete the shutter release. It will be much, much quicker, because the camera was ready and waiting.Trust me on this. :D
Serena said...
Takes some practice. Figuring out where the half-way point is, I mean. I'm going to bring my camera with me when we come out there, too. :D