Thursday, July 05, 2007

Independence Day

It was a damp, rainy day here in Western New York, Ian has a cold and we didn't really feel like fireworks, so I decided, hey, it's been seven years, the kitchen is never really going to get remodeled, how about buying one of those pantry cupboard things for a little more storage?

If I learned anything from the Derby Car experience, it is this: I can do anything! Armed with more self-confidence than actual constructive knowledge, I bought the thing and put it together.

Yes, folks, this is me, actually using something called a screwdriver. Um, the tool, not the deliciously refreshing beverage.

And I did it! One of the holes didn't line up right, and so one of my doors is a little off, but I did it! Ta DAAAA:

I'm not giving up my day job, but hey, I am gaining my Independence. And although it was a learning experience, I still much prefer working with computers.

I hope everyone had as Happy a Fourth as we did!

JT said...

Nice job!! :) Try adjusting the hinges to adjust the door. (if it's possible)

Serena said...

I don't think it's possible. The doors had small holes in the top and bottom edges which fit onto little plastic nubby thingees. It doesn't have a traditional hinge. I don't mind, though. It serves a purpose. And if the landlord really does someday remodel the kitchen, I haven't spent a ton of money!

Michael said...
If the floor is uneven it will cause the doors to be misaligned...

Serena said...

And even if it's not, I can say it is, and who will know? :D