Ian and I went to Mississippi Mudd's last week for a hot dog and relaxation, and he asked to take some pictures.

I told him that one of the things that makes Uncle Michael such a great photographer is that he takes pictures of things that are unusual, or perhaps from a different angle so as to get a different viewpoint. Ian took over. "Three birds on rocks - that's unusual!"

"Lookit! This tree looks like it has girl braids! That's unusual!"

So, Ian, instead of taking a picture of the tree, what would your photo look like if you took a picture under the tree looking up? "Okay!" (takes the pic) "Naw, that's boring."

"Look Mom! The police are on a boat! Now THAT's unusual!"

"I think that's Canada over there." Um, no, I think it's North Tonawanda. "Well, I want it to be Canada." Okay, honey. (How do you argue with that?)

And on the way home, we saw this house, and Ian had me stop and back up so he could take the picture:
I'm thinking of getting him a camera for Christmas. Any suggestions?
Michael said...
Watch the sale fliers in the paper. Then be prepared to buy an external hard drive for all the pictures he'll be taking. :D
Serena said...
So true!