Monday, January 22, 2007


This Derby Car thing is QUITE serious.

On Saturday, we attended the Official Weigh-In.

The car must fit into a certain area (I have forgotten the exact measurements, aside from the fact that the wheels can be no more than 1/32" away from the body of the car), and is then weighed. It must weigh no more than 5 ounces. After the car is weighed, the number is applied (Ian's vehicle is #116), and the car is then impounded. This is the "lot" (Ian's car is in the middle):

I asked why they impound the cars. Get this - the parents cheat! After the official weigh-in, it was discovered that some over-ambitious parents altered the weight on their son's cars in an attempt to win. So now, once the car is weighed, the pack leader keeps the cars until Race Day.
Race Day is Friday, January 26th, Time 6:45 p.m. After all the work Ian put into the car, I hope he at least places. There are prizes for first, second and third places, and there are about 50 kids. We'll see!