Thursday, June 26, 2008

What is he Thinking?

Mommy, Can you help me make a cannon?

Um, not today, honey.

And my internal thoughts: Good heavens. What does he want one for? Does he even know what he is asking?

Michael said...
See. I told you.

You: "Geez, Calvin's awfully quiet.

"Me: "Yeah. He's upstairs making a nuclear weapon."

Serena said...
Oh, jeez...I completely forgot about that! Sometimes I really hate it when you're right! :D

Growing Like a Weed

My landlord hired someone to replace the trim around the landscaping, fill in the stones, make it pretty again... Well, they never showed. Here is a picture of Ian standing in front of one of the weeds. I hope my landlord didn't pay them in advance!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Pillaging Continues...

I filled up my tank this morning...

How long can this possibly go on? How high can it possibly get? When will it get so out of control that I will no longer be able to afford to drive my car? That last one really worries's not too far off!
Update, June 17, 2008:
I drove by the gas station this just 48 hours, it went up to 4.299 a gallon. Glad I filled my tank when I did.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Catching up...

Scroll down, if you'd like - New posts back to 5/24/08!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Fall down, go boom.

Well, I finally did it. Wiped right out on the bike. I'm not sure what happened, but all of a sudden I completely lost my balance and went flying. Not something I'd like to get more practice at. The chain came off, so I had to figure that out before I could get back on and continue.

I am pleased to report that nothing is broken. I've got some bruises. My left shoulder took the brunt of it the fall. I came down hard on it and then tried to roll, successfully(!), and ended up upright on my knees. All these months of watching Ian fall in Aikido may have paid off!

Flag Day

Ian had a Flag Day assembly at his school today, so he needed his hair appropriately spiked:

Here he is, front and center, singing "Fifty Nifty States":

He had been practicing the song so much, I practically know it! :D

Friday, June 06, 2008

This is Me You're Talking To - Trisha Yearwood

I hate it when a song comes on the radio, and it takes me by surprise, and makes me cry.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Tech Support

So, here it is, 6:30 a.m., and my Dad, technology lover, calls me.

I'm having a problem with this stupid computer.

Oh, dear. What's up?

I turn it on and I get this message that says the monitor is going to sleep, and then it shuts itself off.

Hmmm. Is everything plugged in?

Yes! [Insulted!] I haven't touched anything!

No, no, I mean, is everything tight? Did you check the cables and the plugs and make sure everything is plugged in snugly?

Hmpf. Wait a minute. [Sounds of shuffling] Okay, yes, everything is snug.

Okay. Let's try turning on the computer again.

There it goes again. [Extreme Frustration.] It says it's going to sleep, and then it shuts itself off.

Um, did you turn on the computer?


Wait a minute. Dad, when you say you are turning on the computer, are you turning on the monitor or the tower?

The monitor! When you turn off the monitor, the computer turns off. [Like, Duh!]

Um, I don't think it works that way. Do you have any lights on your tower?

Lights on the tower? No.

Did you try turning on the power button on the tower?

Power button on the tower? Oh! ... ... Son of a gun, look at that. ... ... There it is. It's coming up.

Poor guy. I wish all my tech questions were this easy!

JT said...
Yeah... Usually it's more like... the big red botton labeled "ABORT!" and then you are trying to dig out... :)

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

News Flash

Just got an email, breaking news, from the Chicago Tribune:

"Obama declares himself nominee"

I want to declare myself Queen. So,

I am the Queen.
Of Kenmore.
Or wherever I happen to be.

Hey. If it works for Obama, it should work for me!

Politics just makes me laugh. Hysterically.