Saturday, February 06, 2010

I don't like driving anymore.

I don't like driving anymore. It's not that I'm so gawd-awful old now that I can't see over the dash...heck, for me, that's always been a problem. No, it's different than that.

It just seems to me that the world has become hurried. There's no such thing as a leisurely drive through the countryside anymore...if you're gazing at the scenery and fall below the speed limit, some guy behind you is crawling up your back-end with his fist on the horn.

Was tail-gating always a problem? And since when did right-on-red become anything other than an option that was available to you traffic permitted?

Everybody is in a hurry. And it's not just driving. What did we do before fax machines, cell phones, and the internet? We waited. Or we found other things to do. We didn't need to do 75 on the freeway. We certainly didn't need to have it 'there overnight'. And I, for one, have never felt the "need for speed".

I don't know. Maybe I'm just feeling a bit melancholy for days gone by. Or maybe I just need a nap.

Now there's an idea. A siesta. What a shame it never caught on in this country.