Thursday, October 07, 2010

Shoulder Update 5

As it turns out, there is a "small slap tear" in my right rotator cuff. Lovely. I'm still in PT, but that is coming to an end as Independent Health only pays for a limited number of visits (20). In addition to exercises, I am also being treated with IontoPatchs with anti-inflammatory medication.

I can finally lift my arm almost all the way if I am going straight up from the front, but I still cannot lift my arm to the side, nor can I lift it behind my back.

PT is supposed to keep my shoulder from freezing. The goal is for me to regain full range of motion and, if I still have pain, then I would be a good surgical candidate.

The problem I have, of course, is that after any potential surgery, I will need PT. And my PT visits will be expired until my next plan year, which doesn't begin until August 1, 2011.

I just love the health care we get in this country.