Friday, June 10, 2011

My Son, the Airhead

One of the other baseball moms, Cindy, was picking up Ian after school, running him by my house for his baseball paraphenalia, and then bringing him to practice with his teammate, Scott. Apparently, Ian has a lot on his mind. He called me as soon as he was picked up:



I got the house key. I didn’t lose it all day.

Good. I’ll let you live.

Um, I just need my uniform, right?

Yeesssss….and your cup and your spikes.

My cup, too?

Yes. If you don’t have your cup, Coach won’t let you play, and since Grandpa is coming to the game tonight, you don’t want that to happen.

Grandpa or Popa?

Didn’t I just say ‘Grandpa’?

Oh. Yeah.

Don’t forget your uniform, your cup, and your spikes.

I won’t.

Okay. (pause) What are you picking up?

My uniform.

And what else?

Um. (loooooong pause)

Your cup and your spikes.

Oh, yeah. Okay.

You better let me talk to Cindy.

After all that, he still forgot his baseball CAP!