Thursday, October 11, 2012

A date. Ish.

I had coffee with a total stranger and enjoyed myself. There's a bit of a story here...

I recently spent some quality time with an old friend and realized how much I really miss having someone around to talk to. I love my son, don't get me wrong, but, well, he's 11. And I don't meet quality people. Let's face it. The only people I meet are people who need lawyers. 

Next is the fact that I don't have a whole bunch of free time. I work full-time, I have The Boy Child, and I am actively pursuing a Masters degree. 

But I'm still missing something. Companionship. Conversation. Warmth. 

So I went on a dating site. I was pretty shocked at how many guys take their own pictures in the bathroom. Think about the background, gentlemen! I am not impressed with the log in the bowl behind you!  I was also surprised at how many are missing teeth. 

I didn't post a picture because I figured I don't want someone to meet me (or not meet me) based on how I look. I had a few responses that really surprised me. Like, what part of 'woman' seeking a 'man' is so hard to understand? And what the heck would I do with something 11 1/2" long? Yikes!

So a guy named Tom sends me his picture, strikes up a real conversation, makes sure tats don't scare me, and I agreed to coffee. Coffee is good. Tim Horton's is public. Ian gave me an hour. And I let my neighbor know where I was going and when I'd be back so if he turned out to be an ax murderer, she could call in the cavalry!

Hey. There's a lot of crazy people out there.

Anyway, we'll see what happens. It was fun talking to a grown-up that isn't related to me. 


An update on 10/12/12:

Tom and I exchanged phone numbers because texting is so much easier than being on that site, and he asks if he can send me a picture. Sure, why not?  

This being a G-rated blog, I cannot tell you what he sent me. My faith in humanity has taken another hit. Are there any 'normal' people out there?