Sunday, April 28, 2013

Mister Miserable

Oh, he is SO not happy with me. It is my job, however, to teach him consequences for his actions. He's unplugged.


Having a bad day is one thing. He didn't just have a bad day, though. He had a few before the teachers finally decided to contact me. He danced on a few last nerves.  

If it plugs in, he can't use it. We've had a few interesting conversations over the course of the last week or so.

The phone? Off limits. No texting, no kiking, no snapchatting, no instagramming, no facebooking, no tweeting, and, of course, no calling, which, if I'm not mistaken, was originally what a phone was supposed to be for. No TV, no Xbox, no Wii, no DS, no PCP or PSP or whatever the heck it is.  No microwave, no radio, and don't you even THINK about turning on a light. You've got sun, which doesn't plug in. It's light enough in here. And when it gets dark? You can go to bed.

Oh, and you want to try to sneak TV behind my back, after I leave for work but before you leave for school? Yup. You're busted. I'm moving the TV to the garage. You think I can't go without watching TV? Wanna BET? I didn't think so.

And you'd better think twice before telling me you're SO bored.  Trust me. I can FIND something for you to do. And while you're doing it, you can think about using your brain before opening your mouth, and think about why it just might be considered rude and disrespectful to scream "PENIS!" in the middle of Math class or to just get up and wander around English class while the teacher is presenting her lesson.

What were you thinking? 

I wasn't.

Darn right, you weren't.

Sometimes I just don't want to answer my phone (or read my email)...