Sunday, June 07, 2009

Ian's Baseball Schedule

Hello, everyone!

Ian is on the Rockies this year. Look for the purple t-shirts and caps!

On all Tuesday evenings, from now until July 21st, Ian just has practices, where the two teams divide the diamond time and just practice fundamentals, like...catching the ball. :D You are very welcome to come and watch. All his Tuesday evening practices are at Lincoln Park in the Town of Tonawanda on diamond #6 at 6:00 p.m., except for his last Tuesday practice on July 21st, which will be on diamond #5.

All his regular games are on Saturdays (except for July 4th, when there will be no game). Again, you are all welcome to come and watch. All the games are at Lincoln Park, and all are at diamond 7, which is the diamond located farthest from the parking area. There is a small set of (uncomfortable) bleachers there, but I generally bring my own lawn chair, unless we bike. There is no shade at this diamond, so remember your sunscreen and/or a big, floppy hat! As you come up Parker from Sheridan Drive, you will turn right at the light. His first 'real' game will be Saturday, June 20th.

Here is his schedule:
June 20 @ Noon
June 27 @ Noon
July 11 @ 10:00 a.m.
July 18 @ Noon
July 25 @ 10:00 a.m.

Following the last game on July 25, there will be his annual pizza party. All are welcome; I will just need a 'head count' if you will be joining us. And, of course, following all the games, Ian likes to stop somewhere for ice cream.

Please join us!