Sunday, July 28, 2019

It's been a while...

Teaching has been so rewarding, but so very challenging. I started in 2016 teaching middle school math. That summer, I taught 7th and 8th grade math in summer school. In 2017, I started teaching HTML and CSS from as well as Intro to Computer Science from I had never had any computer courses before and had no idea how to code, so the entire year, I was one or two lessons ahead of the students. 

In 2018, I taught these two courses as well as Desktop Publishing and AP CS A. AP CS A was a disaster...I thought I was supposed to be teaching Computer Science Principles, but I spent the year being one step ahead of the kids in Java. 

This year, I am teaching the original two courses (HTML/CSS and Intro to Computer Science) as well as AP Computer Science Principles and Introduction to Business. I am really looking forward to this year! 

In the meantime, for the first time since I graduated from high school, I took the summer off. My son and I have seen baseball games and thrown catch in the yard, gone to movies, seen the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and just relaxed in general. 

It's time for me to get serious again though... school starts in four weeks, and I have the remainder of a 60 hour PD course to get through!