Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Yep. Somebody Ticked Me Off.

I am not an angry person. I'm not even an angry blogger. I'm basically a happy, satisfied, optimistic person bumbling her way through this adventure we call life. 

But every once in a while something irritates me so much I just HAVE to say something, and since this is my blog to express my opinions, sit back and enjoy the ride or keep scrolling. If you're easily offended, I recommend the latter.

<Rant Mode On>

I am Sick And Tired of the Incessant Complaining. I am disgusted and horrified by some of the protests where people hold up signs like, "Sacrifice the weak - reopen". I am completely exasperated with all the excuses.

Yes, masks are uncomfortable. Yes, they can be an inconvenience. Yes, it's aggravating when your glasses steam up. Yes, they can be hot. Yes to all of these things...and whatever else you come up with to excuse yourself. 

But it's not about you. It's not about the government taking away your rights or turning this country into Nazi Germany. It's not about a descent into fascism or decimating the population to benefit the rich. It's not a hoax perpetrated by Democrats to get Republicans out of office. It's not about getting a vaccine so the government can 'chip and track' you. It's not about my alleged fear and your claim that my 'fear' is 'not your problem'. All of that is horse hockey.

It's about keeping your friends and family, the older ones among us, and anyone who may be medically unable to wear a mask, safe. It's about respect for other people. It's about being a caring, moral, ethical, loving person in society. 

And if you claim to be Christian, you should be thinking about the Golden Rule. You don't care enough about your family and your friends to wear a mask to protect them from a potentially fatal virus? Well, how about your neighbor as yourself thing? Don't be a hypocrite. 

Just. Wear. The. Mask.

<Rant Mode Off>

Thank you for listening. We now return you to somewhat normal programming. :)