Friday, July 21, 2006


I have just learned my father can row a boat like it's nobody's business.

I was on the phone with my brother tonight discussing my father, as we have done quite a bit since my mom's ultimate demise. Dad’s a multi-talented guy.

When my brother was between 20 and 30 years old, he and my Dad went to Red House Lake in Allegheny State Park to fish. They rented a row boat, and my brother thought, ‘I should row this thing. I’m younger, (whatever) I really should do the rowing,’ or something along those lines.

He spent a while figuring out how to do it, what angle the oars should be in the water, does the angle make a difference when you pull the oars out and put them back in, etc. It was obvious that he was struggling; they weren’t moving very fast, and after a bit, my Dad said, “Here. Let me do that.” Not judgmental or sarcastic or anything, just matter-of-fact. “Let me do that.”

Dad took over, and the next thing you know, they are FLYING across Red House Lake, like Where’s The Motor FLYING.

My brother remembers it like it was yesterday. It completely amazed him, and up until that point, he didn’t realize rowing isn’t as easy as it looks. Dad learned to row as a teen. There was a lake near his home that they spent a lot of time at as kids, so he perfected it.

There are so many stories I’ll bet my Dad could tell. Hopefully, now, I’ll get to hear more of them. I've got to remember to ask him if he remembers taking my brother out. It would be interesting to hear his thoughts.