Sunday, March 09, 2008

Colon Issues

Today I am prepping for my first colonoscopy, which takes place first thing 7 a.m. tomorrow. I think that's a great time slot for something like this - nothing worse will happen to me the rest of the day! And I'm making this entry before the meds kick in...

Anyway, Ian's grandfather called and mentioned he is having one tomorrow, and my neighbor called and asked me to get her mail because she is having one tomorrow, and two friends of mine just had theirs last week... I feel almost like I'm joining a club.

Further bulletins as events warrant.

Dolores said...
Hi Kelly, I have just been reading your blog. I am so glad everyone is or had a colonoscopy. I have a very dear friend she is 46 with three children and a husband, who is I hate to admit very very sick and in the hospital heavily sedated. She had her first colonoscopy in Aug 06, had surgery and found it metastasized to her liver and pelvic area.

Serena said...
I'm so sorry to hear that! As tests go, the prep is murder, but in the long run, the knowledge gained is worth it. Your friend and her family have some tough times ahead. I will keep them, and you, in my thoughts.