Sunday, January 31, 2010

For Emergency Assistance: North Hartland Corp

I arrived home late last night after an amazing evening with the BPO to find that sometime between 5:00 p.m. when I left and 10:30 p.m. when I got home, something went wrong with the furnace. It was 59 degrees in my apartment and 42 in my kitchen.

So I did what I always do when I have troubles I can't fix. I call my big brother, Obiwan of Seattle. Unfortunately, he can't fix a furnace from 3,000 miles away. So much for The Force! :D He did give me recommendations, though, the first of which was to call someone local and get them over. It was three degrees outside, and in that kind of weather, it doesn't take a real long time for the pipes to freeze.

Oh, joy.

I called my landlord, and after six telephone calls (three to his cell and three to his home), he returned my call at ten to midnight with the okay to call in a repairman. So I called my sister, Ian's beloved Aunt Bubby, at every single number I had for her, to see if her husband could help.

My poor brother-in-law, who owns North Hartland Corp., came all the way from Appleton at 2:00 in the morning to fix it. He had it up and running in what seemed like seconds.

If you live in Western New York, and you need help with your heat, call Chris. I'm not kidding. The man knows his stuff, and he will come at any hour, at a reasonable cost, and even be cheerful in the wee hours of the morning. :)