Saturday, June 26, 2010

In Case of Emergency

I received an email from a friend of mine the other day that said, "Urgent Assistance Needed!!!" It went on to say she was on vacation out of the country and had been robbed. I picked up the phone, called her, and got her voicemail. I began to become concerned.

About 15 minutes later, I received a 'chat' in my google account from her, reiterating the email and that she needed help. I picked up the phone again, and this time asked for the receptionist at the company she works at. She was alive and well, and most definitely NOT out of the country and in dire need of financial assistance. Someone hacked her email. If it weren't for good anti-virus protection, etc., I'd have been in the same boat.

So, I'm going to steal my brother's idea let everybody know my thoughts on this. If I am ever in a situation where I have an urgent need of assistance, I will call everyone I know or see them in person. I will NOT EVER contact my friends,family or others over the internet or via email for 'urgent assistance'. If I need help, I will ask for it either over the phone or in person. There are just too many lunatics out there to do it any other way.

My brother is right, as usual. Which is why we call him "Obiwan".