Saturday, June 26, 2010

Physical Therapy

I had my first physical therapy session yesterday morning. Here's the story...

A tear in the rotator cuff cannot be diagnosed by x-ray. But in case of injury, the insurance company first requires an x-ray, then at least two weeks of physical therapy, before approval will be given for an MRI.

So I had the x-ray, which everybody (except, apparently, the insurance company) knows does not show anything, and now I'm off to PT.

After taking many measurements and seeing just what I can and cannot do, the doctor thinks the problem may be that I have injured the bursae in the Glenohumeral Joint (the shoulder joint). The bursae are small, fluid-filled sacs that permit us to move our joints without friction and pain. Chances are, when I fell down the stairs, I pulled the arm out of the joint just a little too far in my attempt to stop myself, and then when I landed on the concrete, I jammed it back in forcefully, causing the injury.

This is just guesswork, because we can't see in there without an MRI. (Good thing the insurance company is there to tell my doctor what is in my best interests. I can't imagine what I would do with [gasp!] an accurate diagnosis.)

Right now, the doctor wants me to do a simple range-of-motion exercise (pendulum), immobilize it often, and ice it.

And I am diligently following his instructions. I do not have time for any alternatives.