Saturday, November 07, 2009

There is No Tooth Fairy.

We are at the Dentist's Office for our semi-annual teeth cleanings. After His Highness had his teeth cleaned, he came in to where I was, planted himself on the bottom of my chair at my feet, and started thinking. I hate it when he does that in public. :D

"Mom. I got four loose teeth all together that are gonna come out soon. One is hanging on by a thread. The lady (nodding his head toward the hygienist who cleaned his teeth) says the tooth fairy is gonna come." (said with a smirk)

(pause for thought)

"Mister Dentist? How many teeth do babies have?"

"Well, babies aren't born with teeth."

"Oh. Well, how many teeth do kids have?"

"Well, after they all come in, kids have 20 teeth. Then, as they get to be adults, they have 32 teeth."

"Humpf. Mom. Why don't you just give me the 20 bucks now?"

The dentist busted out laughing, and all I could think was, here I am with a mouthful of tools and can't say a word!

"I like how this kid thinks!" He removed all the paraphernalia from my mouth, patted me on the shoulder and said,

"He's going to go far, Mom, he's going to go far."

Yeah. In the meantime, I've got to keep a step ahead of him!