Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Advice to the Lovelorn

There is a boy named Jack and a girl named Devan who ride the school bus with Ian, and apparently Jack is head over heels for Devan. I heard about this in an almost non-stop narrative from Ian the other night.

Mom! There's this guy Jack on my bus, and he told me he is gonna tell Devan he loves her! I told him you can't DO that! If you just come right out and tell a girl you love her, she'll smack you upside the head!

She will?!?

Yeah, Mom. Girls do that these days. So I told him first, you gotta ask your Mom to get you some deodorant, because you can't tell a girl you love her if you smell bad. And he's gotta lose that hat he wears. He wears this wool hat, and it is NOT attractive. I told him he should wear a Sabres cap or something. He's got to ditch that hat.

It's that bad?

Oh, yeah. And I told him he's got to dress fashionably. You can't tell a girl you love her if you are wearing sweatpants and have a hole in your t-shirt. That's just dumb. I told him he's got to wear jeans and a nice shirt, maybe something at Abercrombie, and make sure he smells good. That's important to girls.

It sure is. Did you shower today?

Why? I'm not telling any girl I love her.

{heavy sigh}

Michael said...

I'm very glad to see that he knows the only reason a man needs to shower. :D

Jeff said...

and when not to wear your PJ's :D

Serena said...

Heaven help me.

Anonymous said...

This is the dad from Ian's baseball who doesn't like watching baseball. I thought thought you'd like to know I thought this post was funny.

Serena said...

Thank you, Jack's Dad! LOL! Not too many dull moments in my house, that's for sure!