Saturday, November 15, 2008

Another Dimension Part Two

Sometimes I have to work very hard to make sure my professors, who I have never met and probably never will, know that I am taking my education Very Seriously. I have come to realize I am anomalous.

As you all know, I completely and totally did not understand my last homework assignment. I got a lot of laughs from your comments, which I posted on the original blog entry, but, alas, no assistance! :D

My Calculus professor called me last night. She said she realizes I am working hard on this course, and I really screwed up the homework. (She is blatantly honest with me, and I completely appreciate it!) Instead of sending me an email to have me try to work through it again, she arranged a time to call me to explain the assignment in detail so I can get a complete understanding before I move on. She is going to call me this evening to explain it.


It's good to know that, when I have exhausted all my options, I still can have help. I might just pass this course yet!

JT said...
The force is strong with you. Yes, it is. :)

Serena said...
This is because my brother is Obiwan!